
Flow occurs at the intersection of our own elevated state of consciousness and a stream of universal energy in which additional resources create a more harmonious experience of life.
— Catherine Krame

Welcome to the fascinating world of Flow!  I invite you on a journey of self-discovery as we explore this dynamic state of consciousness.  It is accessible to each and every one of us through our own heightened awareness. As co-founder of The Krame Center for Mindful Living, and a teacher of Mindfulness-Based-Stress-Reduction (MBSR), Mindful Self-Compassion (MSC), and certified in Positive Psychology (CiPP), I am dedicated to bringing Mindfulness practices to others as a means of living in the Flow of life. 

I was exposed to Mindfulness over 20 years ago and began incorporating meditation and daily Mindfulness practices with life-changing results. On my personal journey of self-discovery I had accidental encounters with a heightened realm of being that I would later learn was a known state of consciousness called Flow. My continued exploration into Mindfulness would prove to be a powerful catalyst for entering into prolonged periods of Flow, and I began to realize that this highly desirable state of consciousness could quite possibly be the key to unlocking enhanced human potential. Scientific advances over the course of this past century would become the basis of my conclusions that Flow is not just a state of consciousness, but it is a dynamic universal energy that is available to each and every one of us. I am passionate about bringing this message to others. In my book I show how we have the innate ability to access Flow for our own personal betterment, and to collectively raise our level of consciousness for the benefit of mankind.

Watch below to find out my inspiration for writing the book!



Qualified MBSR Teacher

Graduate of the professional training program at the University of Massachusetts Medical School. Qualified Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction teacher through the Oasis Institute for Mindfulness-Based Professional Education and Training within the Center for Mindfulness in Medicine, Health Care, and Society.

Click to join an upcoming MBSR course.

Mindful Self-Compassion Teacher

Graduate of the professional teacher training program at the Center for Mindful Self-Compassion founded by Dr. Kristen Neff and Dr. Christopher Germer.

Click to join an upcoming MSC course.

Certified in Positive Psychology (CiPP)

Completed a one-year certificate program in Positive Psychology with a concentration in the study of individual and societal flourishing in all aspects and stages of life through The Wholebeing Institute.  The curriculum included an integrated exploration of the science and direct application of Positive Psychology in order to create an increased capacity for health, strengthened resiliency, deeper Mindfulness practices, and greater levels of overall well-being. 


Mind-Body Medicine

Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction in Mind-Body Medicine certificate from Omega Institute for Holistic Studies.

Reiki Certified

Level I, Level II and Master Level III certificates received from Valley Hospital of Ridgewood, NJ.